Launa Randles, Head of School

Leadership and management

Leadership and management is a key judgement area which we report on each year, as part of our overall journey of the School's Self-Evaluation Form (SEF).

Our journey

Jan 2016

  • Zoe Evans supports launching the ImPACTs Curriculum – providing the opportunity for each child and young person to achieve their best possible educational outcome
  • Review undertaken to analyse the needs of the pupils. This analysis informs required training matrix for learning and teaching, and clinical competencies
  • Implemented weekly curriculum teaching and learning training 
  • Carried our external observation of Rosewood Free School and Linden Lodge School to observe their good practices 


Melanie Burrough, Director of Therapies and Education
  • Carried out a restructure of our school staff 
  • Invested in Drake Music and Aquaepps to support our new skill set and curriculum 
  • Joined PMLD Link's Point 5 Hub 


  • Contributed to the development of PMLD Link's Core and Essential Service Standards Nov 2017 
  • Introduced the requirement for all staff at the school to obtain the OCN qualification - Understanding the needs of individuals with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
  • Invested in staff development through Sounds of Intent, Yoga as a special child,  National Professional Qualification for for Middle Leadership (NPQML), teacher training and National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS)
  • Every half term, school staff receive safeguarding supervision
  • Best practices shared at Raising the Bar II conference and within PMLD Link articles ‘Meaningful Time’ (issue Spring 2018) and 'Understanding the needs of individuals' (issue Summer 2018)


  • School sharing good practice through professional showcase and The Children's Trust national conference 
  • Internal sharing of achievements and recognising each other’s skill set via the operational middle leadership team, peer observations and learning walks
  • Continued to upskill staff through recognised training and qualifications, such as Joanna Grace's 'Develop your sensory lexiconary' and the use of electronic recording platforms 


  • During Inset, attended ‘Sensory engagement for mental well-being’ by Joanna Grace, a course which looks at sensory strategies that can be employed to improve the mental well-being of those with PMLD
  • Implemented reflective supervision with key focus on staff wellbeing 
  • Supported a new way of safe learning and ongoing high quality Continued Professional Development (CPD) through home/school subject specialised projects 
  • Aquatic therapy training and rebound training for physiotherapists 
  • Upper limb casting and splinting course training for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists 
  • Advanced dysphagia training provided to Speech and Language Therapists
  • SMART training for Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists


  • Staff development from person’s own preference and interest within the curriculum – the school established subject specialist working
  • Joint up working with Clinical education team to streamline induction plan across all areas.
  • School presentations at Richard Hirstwood Sensory Festival – The Impact of Our Yoga and Music Offer on The Child 


Maruzaan Hanlon with Indy
  • Established Professional, Training and Learning Lead to enable staff to advance in their learning 
  • All teaching staff are now scheduled to join the Liminal Leadership program. 
  • Development of the school's Making Us Subject Specialist Teams (MUSST)
  • School registered with the National College CPD platform (external and internal training tracked and managed) 


Launa with Finn
  • Launched the School's social media channels and online platforms, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), and ClassDojo, for enhanced engagement with parents and to enable us to build our reputation and marketing our strengths
  • Committing to sustained investment in professional development, including the Royal Opera House for Leading for Impact Generation 6 and the continuous enhancement of teacher qualifications
  • Successfully launched and roll out of an Electronic Care Records platform