Launa Randles, Head of School

Leadership and management

Leadership and management is a key judgement area which we report on each year, as part of our overall journey of the School's Self-Evaluation Form (SEF).

Our journey


Launa with Finn
  • Launched the School's social media channels and online platforms, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), and ClassDojo, for enhanced engagement with parents and to enable us to build our reputation and marketing our strengths
  • Committing to sustained investment in professional development, including the Royal Opera House for Leading for Impact Generation 6 and the continuous enhancement of teacher qualifications
  • Successfully launched and roll out of an Electronic Care Records platform


Maruzaan Hanlon with Indy
  • Established Professional, Training and Learning Lead to enable staff to advance in their learning 
  • All teaching staff are now scheduled to join the Liminal Leadership program. 
  • Development of the school's Making Us Subject Specialist Teams (MUSST)
  • School registered with the National College CPD platform (external and internal training tracked and managed) 


  • Staff development from person’s own preference and interest within the curriculum – the school established subject specialist working
  • Joint up working with Clinical education team to streamline induction plan across all areas.
  • School presentations at Richard Hirstwood Sensory Festival – The Impact of Our Yoga and Music Offer on The Child 


  • During Inset, attended ‘Sensory engagement for mental well-being’ by Joanna Grace, a course which looks at sensory strategies that can be employed to improve the mental well-being of those with PMLD
  • Implemented reflective supervision with key focus on staff wellbeing 
  • Supported a new way of safe learning and ongoing high quality Continued Professional Development (CPD) through home/school subject specialised projects 
  • Aquatic therapy training and rebound training for physiotherapists 
  • Upper limb casting and splinting course training for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists 
  • Advanced dysphagia training provided to Speech and Language Therapists
  • SMART training for Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists


  • School sharing good practice through professional showcase and The Children's Trust national conference 
  • Internal sharing of achievements and recognising each other’s skill set via the operational middle leadership team, peer observations and learning walks
  • Continued to upskill staff through recognised training and qualifications, such as Joanna Grace's 'Develop your sensory lexiconary' and the use of electronic recording platforms 


  • Contributed to the development of PMLD Link's Core and Essential Service Standards Nov 2017 
  • Introduced the requirement for all staff at the school to obtain the OCN qualification - Understanding the needs of individuals with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
  • Invested in staff development through Sounds of Intent, Yoga as a special child,  National Professional Qualification for for Middle Leadership (NPQML), teacher training and National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS)
  • Every half term, school staff receive safeguarding supervision
  • Best practices shared at Raising the Bar II conference and within PMLD Link articles ‘Meaningful Time’ (issue Spring 2018) and 'Understanding the needs of individuals' (issue Summer 2018)


Melanie Burrough, Director of Therapies and Education
  • Carried out a restructure of our school staff 
  • Invested in Drake Music and Aquaepps to support our new skill set and curriculum 
  • Joined PMLD Link's Point 5 Hub 

Jan 2016

  • Zoe Evans supports launching the ImPACTs Curriculum – providing the opportunity for each child and young person to achieve their best possible educational outcome
  • Review undertaken to analyse the needs of the pupils. This analysis informs required training matrix for learning and teaching, and clinical competencies
  • Implemented weekly curriculum teaching and learning training 
  • Carried our external observation of Rosewood Free School and Linden Lodge School to observe their good practices