Behaviour and attitudes
Behaviour and attitudes is one of our Ofsted key judgement areas. Read how we have developed in this area since 2016.
Behaviour and attitudes

- Whole-school attendance has increased to 83.74%, up from 82.24% last year, with over 20 children now achieving over 90% attendance and continued efforts to improve it further
- The Pupil Charter is now prominently displayed with photos and easy-read versions, making it accessible for everyone
- The Pupil Charter actively reinforces positive behaviour, helping staff and visitors engage with children and young people in the appropriate manner

- Through external peer visits we extend knowledge and insights on educational quality
- Implementing an internally developed trauma informed practice training program based on research findings
- Sustaining an impressive 82.24% upward trajectory in whole-school attendance

- Supercharged efforts to raise attendance and punctuality
- Established organisational attendance and timekeeping working party
- Over time (following COVID) a continual rise in children meeting aspirational attendance target of 90%+
- Growth of happiness profile (and bags) to support individual wellbeing and mental health
- School attendance 81.95%

- Extended the safe environment of the COVID bubbles to achieve onsite school attendance for the vulnerable shielding pupils
- Adopted principles from Benny Carpenter's post-pandemic ‘Recovery Curriculum’ to focus on individual’s wellbeing and mental health
- Embedded theoretical and practical understanding of positive behaviour for effective interpretation of needs within the PBS approach framework
- Redesigned our Pupil's Charter following whole school consultation
- School attendance 80.51%

- Embedded the Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) process through action plan and internal early help
- Identified the need for ‘sensory engagement’ supporting pupil wellbeing
- Maintained blended/ virtual/ bubble COVID-19 attendance as school remained opened
- School attendance 77.65%

- Adopted Positive Behaviour Support approach for identified children and young people
- Raised the profile of the Adult Engagement Scale through staff appraisal and peer observation thus enabling the development of a skillset to motivate and enhance learning opportunities
- School arrival punctuality monitoring focused on a.m. and p.m. sessions
- School attendance 79.1%

- Educational Psychologist introduced pupil behaviour plans
- Implemented engagement scales to track quality of engagement and participation
- Created the Adult Engagement Scale highlighting supportive and non-supportive qualities during staff-child interaction
- School attendance 75.76%

- Ofsted (2017) "Pupils clearly enjoy school and often push themselves to the limit, even when they are not at their best medically"
- Developed a whole school culture integrating education, health and care
- Introduced a process to evaluate and celebrate ‘attitudes to learning’ via APIES rag rated indicators (Attendance, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Progress)
- School and home recognising 'Golden WOW Moments' with certificates of achievement

- Ofsted (2014) "Pupils’ behaviour is good"
- Ofsted (2014) "Pupils are happy, enjoy being together and have good relationships with staff"
- School culture focused predominantly on health and care