Carla assessing Olivia

Assessment, Achievement and Progress

Reviewing and assessing our achievements and progress is a vital part of our overall journey of the School's Self-Evaluation Form (SEF), which we report on each year.

Our journey


Acknowledge my milestones
  • Implemented a process to capture personalised learning and spotlight small, remarkable steps, optimising efficiency during the academic term to feed into each child's EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan)
  • Fully launched ClassDojo, an online app which records the daily progress updates, strengthening home-school communication for parents and caregivers
  • Sourced from school improvement partner, Rosewood, a digital tracker workbook created to facilitate the recording of individual ImPACTS progress


Tailor my learning experience
  • COVID catch up allocated to children with progress <2% - key area of COVID catchup - ‘physical wellbeing’ ‘happiness profiles’ 
  • Devised a ‘SOI’ music matrix to monitor and evidence music progress from start points, to identify targets and support monitoring
  • Identified Earwig staff champions to support whole school use of ‘earwig’ resulting in all child baseline and profile data being actively tracked for patterns and progress


Open up the conversation with me
  • Implementation of software-based pupil tracker package – earwig
  • Spiritual, social, moral and cultural progress tracked within the earwig platform 
  • Implementation of ‘schoolzine’ a parent engagement platform to share and celebrate school and pupil achievements


Support my emotional well-being
  • Limitations of ImPACTs ‘paper- driven’ procedures reviewed 
  • From March 2020 school remained open to deliver with our best endeavours EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) requirements. Monitoring of progress continued. 
  • Annual progress collated in July 2020 with consideration to retention and implementing wellbeing focused targets  
  • Pupil achievement celebrated with creative and safe recognition of musical progress


Show me respect
  • Developed use of adult engagement scales as source to raise individual progress 
  • Implementation of therapy measures Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) goals and music Sounds of Intent (SOI) target – progress and achievement driven through annual review 
  • Meaningful engagement within assistive technology, music and early years


Create a calm space for me
  • Annual progress showcased within ImPACTs point score and progress percentage at annual review
  • A year of enrichment ‘golden moment’ achievement displayed within the main school
  • Achievement celebrated on displays and class data handbooks entitled ‘progress, achievement, celebration’ and class case studies
  • Spiritual, social, moral and cultural progress tracked with SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural) gridmaker
  • Implemented adult engagement scale of supportive qualities to learning


Create a positive environment for me
  • 10 ImPACTs targets (Individualised, (meaningful), Profile, Assessment, Curriculum, Target, Setting) set across all curriculum skill areas, and as a result children achieve well
  • Children’s learning tracked through daily sessional RAG (Red, Amber, Green) sheets and from routines. Patterns in data and identification of next steps part of weekly team discussion
  • Progress tracked from baseline with half termly APIES (Attendance, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social) data and star charts
  • Adopted principles of ‘engagement’ as outlined within Rochford review October 2016 
  • Ongoing validation of internal and external judgements with moderation of evidence pages
  • External recognition of progress with Surrey Quality Assurance and Ofsted 
  • 24-hour curriculum recognises ‘golden moments’ of learning achievement through play and leisure 
  • Annual review reports updated to reflect Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25

Jan 2016

Offer me meaningful education
  • 4 January 2016 - First Day ‘Understanding and Educating Learners with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disability)’ 
  • Numerous reviews on pre-existing reporting systems and processes including annual review and data measures and outcomes
  • Discussions on improving curriculum and assessment framework to meet the specific needs of the children and young people 
  • All children and young people baselined on the new Impacts curriculum 
  • Children and young people’s achievement celebrated through video presentation at annual review, pupil achievement assembly, star of the week and weekly newsletter