Carla assessing Olivia

Assessment, Achievement and Progress

Reviewing and assessing our achievements and progress is a vital part of our overall journey of the School's Self-Evaluation Form (SEF), which we report on each year.

Our journey

Jan 2016

Offer me meaningful education
  • 4 January 2016 - First Day ‘Understanding and Educating Learners with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disability)’ 
  • Numerous reviews on pre-existing reporting systems and processes including annual review and data measures and outcomes
  • Discussions on improving curriculum and assessment framework to meet the specific needs of the children and young people 
  • All children and young people baselined on the new Impacts curriculum 
  • Children and young people’s achievement celebrated through video presentation at annual review, pupil achievement assembly, star of the week and weekly newsletter


Create a positive environment for me
  • 10 ImPACTs targets (Individualised, (meaningful), Profile, Assessment, Curriculum, Target, Setting) set across all curriculum skill areas, and as a result children achieve well
  • Children’s learning tracked through daily sessional RAG (Red, Amber, Green) sheets and from routines. Patterns in data and identification of next steps part of weekly team discussion
  • Progress tracked from baseline with half termly APIES (Attendance, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social) data and star charts
  • Adopted principles of ‘engagement’ as outlined within Rochford review October 2016 
  • Ongoing validation of internal and external judgements with moderation of evidence pages
  • External recognition of progress with Surrey Quality Assurance and Ofsted 
  • 24-hour curriculum recognises ‘golden moments’ of learning achievement through play and leisure 
  • Annual review reports updated to reflect Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25


Create a calm space for me
  • Annual progress showcased within ImPACTs point score and progress percentage at annual review
  • A year of enrichment ‘golden moment’ achievement displayed within the main school
  • Achievement celebrated on displays and class data handbooks entitled ‘progress, achievement, celebration’ and class case studies
  • Spiritual, social, moral and cultural progress tracked with SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural) gridmaker
  • Implemented adult engagement scale of supportive qualities to learning


Show me respect
  • Developed use of adult engagement scales as source to raise individual progress 
  • Implementation of therapy measures Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) goals and music Sounds of Intent (SOI) target – progress and achievement driven through annual review 
  • Meaningful engagement within assistive technology, music and early years


Support my emotional well-being
  • Limitations of ImPACTs ‘paper- driven’ procedures reviewed 
  • From March 2020 school remained open to deliver with our best endeavours EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) requirements. Monitoring of progress continued. 
  • Annual progress collated in July 2020 with consideration to retention and implementing wellbeing focused targets  
  • Pupil achievement celebrated with creative and safe recognition of musical progress


Open up the conversation with me
  • Implementation of software-based pupil tracker package – earwig
  • Spiritual, social, moral and cultural progress tracked within the earwig platform 
  • Implementation of ‘schoolzine’ a parent engagement platform to share and celebrate school and pupil achievements


Tailor my learning experience
  • COVID catch up allocated to children with progress <2% - key area of COVID catchup - ‘physical wellbeing’ ‘happiness profiles’ 
  • Devised a ‘SOI’ music matrix to monitor and evidence music progress from start points, to identify targets and support monitoring
  • Identified Earwig staff champions to support whole school use of ‘earwig’ resulting in all child baseline and profile data being actively tracked for patterns and progress


Acknowledge my milestones
  • Implemented a process to capture personalised learning and spotlight small, remarkable steps, optimising efficiency during the academic term to feed into each child's EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan)
  • Fully launched ClassDojo, an online app which records the daily progress updates, strengthening home-school communication for parents and caregivers
  • Sourced from school improvement partner, Rosewood, a digital tracker workbook created to facilitate the recording of individual ImPACTS progress