Real stories

Brain tumour: Jake

In January 2019, 16-year-old Jake had an operation to remove a brain tumour. When he woke up, he couldn’t walk or talk. Mum Bal shares their story.

Fall: Milo

In July 2017, Milo and another child collided during playtime, banging their heads together at speed. Mum Verity shares their story.

RTA: Bertie

Days before the first lockdown, 12-year-old Bertie was hit by a car resulting in a brain injury. Mum Emily tells us about her son’s recovery.

Infection: Thomas

In December 2019, Thomas was admitted to hospital with sepsis, later confirmed to be caused by Bird Flu. He went into cardiac arrest resulting in a brain injury. Mum Rayna shares their story.

Super Sam

Sam was 15 when a motor Speedway racing accident left him with a serious brain injury. As part of his recovery, he spent three months with us having intensive rehabilitation. We’re thrilled that Sam is on his bike again and won his first race back.