Volunteers gathered together outside the mansion at Tadworth Court.

Celebrating Volunteers’ Week in appreciation of our amazing volunteers

Published on: 06/06/24

General Volunteering


This week we celebrate our 1,300 volunteers who collectively dedicate 3,960 hours a month to supporting our work.

Volunteers’ Week, an annual event to recognise the power of volunteering, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year – as does The Children’s Trust. 2024 marks forty years since the organisation first became a registered charity.

Volunteers have played a vital part in our organisation’s work to support children with brain injury and neurodisability to live the best life possible.

Today they continue to fill a range of roles – from retail volunteers who support staff in the smooth day-to-day running of the charity’s shops, to volunteer drivers who take children to vital medical appointments and on fun trips out.

Graham sits in a van, smiling. He is wearing a yellow lanyard.

Volunteer driver Graham helps children get to vital medical appointments or return home after specialist rehabilitation at The Children’s Trust.

One of our volunteers has a particularly special connection to the cause.

Danielle, a volunteer Till Assistant at The Children’s Trust shop in Stoneleigh, Surrey, was once a child receiving rehabilitation support at the charity after an acquired brain injury.

Danielle says: 

“I volunteer to help other children with brain injury, having been a patient myself 14 years ago. I know exactly how important it is to raise these vital funds for children with brain injury."

Till assistant Danielle at our Stoneleigh shop

Volunteer Till Assistant Danielle has a personal connection to the cause, having been supported as a child by The Children’s Trust.


Danielle and Keren on the grounds at The Children's Trust.

At the volunteer celebration Danielle was reintroduced to Keren, Activity and Leisure Lead, who remembered Danielle from her time at The Children’s Trust.

On Wednesday 5 June over 60 volunteers attended The Children’s Trust national specialist centre in Tadworth, Surrey, to celebrate National Volunteers’ Week. Attendees enjoyed refreshments, awards in recognition of long service and the opportunity to connect with other volunteers and staff.

Mike Thiedke, Chief Executive of The Children’s Trust, said: 

“We owe a huge thank you to all our volunteers here at The Children’s Trust, and we’re delighted to be able to shine a light this week on their contribution to our services. We simply couldn’t support children with brain injury and neurodisability without them.”

There are many ways to volunteer and help The Children’s Trust make a difference to the lives of children with brain injury and neurodisability; from one-time opportunities at events throughout the year, to regular roles in one of their charity shops. Find out more about our volunteering opportunities.