Published on: 03/09/19
Theatre has many benefits and children can be totally involved in the experience. We watched Magical Quests put on a show.
Published on: 03/09/19
Over the next hour a group of children will smell porridge, hold a flower, experience the rain from a water spray, hear thunder and feel the breeze as material swoops across the room.
These children are watching the show by Magical Quests and are pointing, calling-out, listening and watching as the show mixes up a number of familiar fairytales.
Magical Quests is an organisation that runs themed parties for children and hosted Peter Pan’s 101st birthday event for children at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Most years it visits The Children’s Trust, for children with brain injury, and puts on a show that immerses the children in to the performance using props and costumes.
Keren Holden, Leisure and Activities Co-ordinator at The Children’s Trust said: “The benefits of theatre are that it can be all inclusive and fun. It can always be different and all-age appropriate.
“Magical Quests have a great ability to adapt to the children and their range of abilities, needs and reactions.”
The sessions uses multi-sensory techniques, props and puppetry, as well as the ability to sign along to their own shows. This provides an engaging session for the children’s different needs.
As not everyone can experience such theatre sessions, Keren explained similar activities that people can do at home.
“You could transform a room using props to create a different atmosphere – you could use a parachute to hang from the ceiling to make a tent and add lights to make it sensory.
“Music can also do amazing things to change a space. Let your imagination go wild and follow it!”