Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week through nature

We're sharing ways to celebrate the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health, which takes place 10-16 May 2021.

Published on: 10/05/21

Mental Health Awareness Week starts today with the theme of nature and how connecting with the natural world can support good mental health. 

The week is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, which has shared ways in which people can celebrate the mental health benefits of being around nature in their local community.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature to help us get through lockdowns and our research shows that good mental health depends on us being able to connect with nature in some way and its power in both prevention of and recovery from poor mental health," said Mark Rowland Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation.  

The week will explore, and share stories, of how everyone across the UK can connect with nature and experience the mental health benefits wherever they live. 

Tips from the Mental Health Foundation include trying to 'make a habit each day of connecting to the nature in your local area. Stop to listen to the birdsong, smell the freshly cut grass, take care of a house plant, notice any trees, flowers or animals nearby. Take a moment to appreciate these connections'.   

At The Children's Trust activities will take place throughout the week that children at home can also take inspiration from. These include:

  • Sensory spa afternoons
  • Mindfulness groups
  • Tree rubbing and leaf printing
  • Cooking using different ingredients and smells
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Nature-themed musical activities. 

Later this week we'll be sharing pictures of the activities that took place during #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.